Thursday, September 3, 2020

Punishment or Rehabilitation free essay sample

The discussion among discipline and recovery for criminal guilty parties has been a progressing issue for a long time. What is the genuine focal point of our criminal equity framework today?Some contend that it is to rebuff those that decide to ignore the traditions that must be adhered to and enjoy criminal conduct, while others contend that its essential center ought to be to restore these wrongdoers and assist them with reintegrating into society while helping them become beneficial, honest residents; helping them leave that crime previously. Notwithstanding the discussion, the issue despite everything stays on which model is best in decreasing crime. Discipline or Rehabilitation?When inspecting these two techniques for wiping out crime and managing the guilty party, all sides of the condition must include. The strategy for discipline is one of the most seasoned and broadly utilized models stemming back thousand of years when the jail frameworks were first brought into society. We will compose a custom article test on Discipline or Rehabilitation? or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The hypothesis of discipline and its application were created by systematic masterminds the greater part a century prior and its utilization was not intended to be a legitimate methods, yet as a methods for keeping up social request by its insignificant danger and the outcomes behind it. What's more, discipline is additionally used as a methods for â€Å"reforming† the guilty party and preventing them from criminal conduct with an end goal to ensure society as Hugo Adam Bedau, a widely acclaimed thinker, ponders in his diary Punishment in the Stanford Encyclopedia. Punishing a guilty party will in general be the lion's share conclusion in light of the fact that a considerable lot of us basically need to realize that equity was served by and large for the person in question and additionally their family. The discipline model incorporates; detainment, physical work, demise (the death penalty), and imprisonment.In a few nations, disciplines can be savage treatment and surpass the seriousness of the wrongdoing submitted. In the United Stats, in any case, Amendment 8 of the constitution ensures hoodlums in that style since it â€Å"forbids the utilization of pitiless and abnormal punishments†. The restoration technique is an increasingly present day way to d eal with managing criminal wrongdoers. This models concentrates more on helping a wrongdoer â€Å"alter their ways† and assist them with reintegrating into society in a progressively beneficial way.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Though Lord Byron described William Wordsworth as crazed beyond all hope and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as a drunk Essay Example For Students

Despite the fact that Lord Byron depicted William Wordsworth as crazed past all expectation and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as an alcoholic Essay Despite the fact that Lord Byron depicted William Wordsworth as crazed past all expectation and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as an alcoholic, the two are commendable and significant creators of the Romantic time frame in English writing 648. Together these creators made an excellent work out of sonnets entitled Lyrical Ballads. Remembered for the 1802 work is a significant introduction composed by William Wordsworth. The introduction clarifies the goal of creators Wordsworth and Coleridge, and all the more significantly, it incorporates Wordsworths sincere belief of the definition and measures of verse and of what a writer ought to be. In spite of the fact that there was some difference about the best possible phrasing of a decent sonnet, Coleridge, the lesser spoke to creator of the two in the work, concurs with the vast majority of Wordsworths rules. He voices his very own sentiments, in any case, in his Biographia Literia. In both Lyrical Ballads and Biographia Literia, the writers feelings agree in that the definition and standards of a sonnet is to be an organized and painstakingly arranged sythesis that mixes enthusiastic characteristic feelings in the peruser and that the artist is the power straightforwardly liable for this. We will compose a custom article on Though Lord Byron portrayed William Wordsworth as crazed past all expectation and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as an alcoholic explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now To achieve this, an incredible artist must have a cozy information on nature and have close connection with all parts of it. Coleridge states in his Biographia Literia that the definition looked for be that of a real sonnet, must be one the pieces of which commonly bolster and clarify one another; all in their extent fitting with and supporting the reason and known impacts of metrical game plan 481. This announcement outlines Coleridges conclusion that so as to be a sonnet, the arrangement must be appropriately organized and made with the goal that all out of the sentences make a recognizing cadence while as yet speaking to a solitary reason. Wordsworth additionally talks about the significance of direction centered verse in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads, expressing that so as to be a decent sonnet, it must have behind it a commendable reason 242. The two writers accept that a sonnet must have a distinct course and that the peruser ought to be extremely clear with respect to what the sonnet is in reality about. The creators accept that all together for a short metrical structure to be a sonnet, it must be composed plainly and, as indicated by Wordsworth additionally contemplated Preface 242. Enthusiasm and feeling were two subjects that normally portrays the Romantic time frame. Embodying this, Wordsworth and Coleridge believed that the immediate motivation behind any sonnet ought to be to mix energy in the peruser. They imagined that a sonnet ought to likewise be a work that blended a similar inclination in the peruser each time it is perused as though it were being perused just because; however that to which we come back with the best delight, has the certifiable force and claims the name of basic verse Coleridge 473. By this importance, after a decent sonnet is perused once, the peruser ought to want to peruse it commonly. The enthusiasm in the peruser should likewise be a pleasurable one, clarified by Coleridge as quick article delight 481. The delight is pleasantly outlined by Coleridge in Biographia Literia in the manner in which he talks about the joy in rehashing rhymes. He proceeds to recognize an enthusiastic delight as changeless, that nothing can for all time please which doesn't contain in itself the motivation behind why it is so 480-81. Wordsworth develops this by clarifying that the enthusiasm that is felt by the peruser ought to be of common plunge since they are the general interests and considerations and sentiments of men and that we wish to be satisfied, however to be satisfied in that specific manner by which we have been familiar with be satisfied Preface 249-51. The delights that Wordsworth was alluding to man being acquainted with are those encounters that are gotten from nature. Nature in this sense might be the feeling of an involvement in living nature, for example, a grand recognition of a mountain, or it might be in the feeling of human instinct, for example, the regular nearness of a moms love. Coleridge clarifies that the peruser ought to be conveyed forward, by the pleasurable movement of the brain energized by the attractions of the excursion itself 481. Since the motivation behind a sonnet is to mix energy related to nature, it is the obligation of the artist to pass on that feeling and make it promptly obvious in his piece. The writer would accordingly must be fit for being enthusiastic and understanding nature enough to portray it in a reasonable scholarly structure. This basis for a writer is another part of which Wordsworth and Coleridge are in understanding. Coleridge says the artist, portrayed in perfect flawlessness, brings the entire soul of a man into action, with the subjection of its resources to one another, and diffuses a tone and soul of solidarity that mixes 482. This depiction is of the size of energy that a writer must have so as to arrive at the spirit, and that enthusiasm is interwoven with the spirit as a feeling of it. Wordsworth composes of the artists obligation of delivering joy with a genuine suggestion, The writer composes under one limitation in particular, that of need, of giving prompt delight to an individual being equipped with that data which might be anticipated from him not as a legal advisor, doctor, sailor, however as a man 247. By this announcement, Wordsworth is gathering all individuals as of humanity, and all the more explicitly as creatures of nature. .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .postImageUrl , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:hover , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:visited , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:active { border:0!important; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:active , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:hover { haziness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6e80f3166 fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Blood sibling survey EssayThe genuine suggestion of this announcement is explained on by Wordsworth in the accompanying section by supplanting the portrayal of the artists commitment to nature as a limitation to an affirmation of magnificence 247. This is a point that Coleridge restricts, in any case, accepting that language contrasts with occupation Taybi 94. To Wordsworth, the writer is an interpreter that imparts the enthusiasm felt ordinarily to the cognizant psyche of the peruser. Enthusiasm as portrayed by Wordsworth and Coleridge is gotten most normally from circumstances from regular clarified by Coleridge as quick article delight 481. The joy is pleasantly shown by Coleridge in Biographia Literia in the manner in which he talks about the joy in rehashing rhymes. He proceeds to recognize an enthusiastic joy as lasting, that nothing can for all time please which doesn't contain in itself the motivation behind why it is so 480-81. Wordsworth develops this by clarifying that the enthusiasm that is felt by the peruser ought to be of characteristic drop since they are the general interests and considerations and sentiments of men and that we wish to be satisfied, however to be satisfied in that specific manner by which we have been acclimated with be satisfied Preface 249-51. The delights that Wordsworth was alluding to man being acquainted with are those encounters that are gotten from nature. Nature in this sense might be the feeling of an involvement in living nature, for example, a great recognition of a mountain, or it might be in the feeling of human instinct, for example, the characteristic nearness of a moms love. Coleridge clarifies that the peruser ought to be conveyed forward, by the pleasurable movement of the brain energized by the attractions of the excursion itself 481. Since the motivation behind a sonnet is to mix energy related to nature, it is the obligation of the writer to pass on that feeling and make it promptly clear in his organization. The writer would along these lines must be fit for being dad

Friday, August 21, 2020

Autism Observation Paper Essay

Chemical imbalance is a state of being connected to strange science and science in the mind. Despite the fact that the reasons for these variations from the norm are obscure, there been various potential approaches to have mental imbalance. For instance the moms diet while being pregnant, stomach related track changes, mercury harming (which is one of the most notable thoughts), the body’s failure to appropriately utilize nutrients and minerals, or immunization affectability. Numerous guardians stress that giving their youngster an antibody may pave the way to them having chemical imbalance, and being that a kid can appear to be ordinary as long as eighteen months, guardians at times would prefer to hold up till the child’s more established to give them shots. Anyway it’s critical to think about your child’s dangers of not having the inoculation. All standard youth antibodies are accessible in single-portion frames that don't contain included mercury. Studies have indicated that mental imbalance effect’s more young men on the planet then young ladies. A few specialists believe’s the expansion rate of chemical imbalance is from learning new meanings of mental imbalance. For instance a youngster that is determined to have advanced mental imbalance today, was most likely taken a gander at as odd or unusual thirty years back. A few side effects guardians begin to see around eighteen months is while imagine play, social collaborations or verbal or non-verbal correspondences. A few kids seem typical up to age two and afterward begin to relapse, lose language and social aptitudes they have picked up, which is called backward chemical imbalance. A few models are affectability to locate, hearing, contact, smell, or taste. Have irregular trouble, rehashes body developments, or demonstrates unordinary connections to objects. A few side effects can direct to serious like speaking with motions rather than words, can't begin a discussion, talks moderate or not in any manner or rehashes words that they’ve recalled from previously. Kids with mental imbalance ordinarily don’t make companions, shows absence of sympathy, may treat individuals like articles, or is pulled back. Some misbehave, have limited ability to focus, or stalls out on single subjects. A kid with mental imbalance can’t precisely experience a day like an ordinary youngster, however with assistance from others, they can attempt to. They are extremely savvy kids, just may make some harder memories understanding and getting things done. For my site visit, I visited an after school program call â€Å"The Ymywaha† which is possessed secretly. In the study hall I visited the kids were twos and threes. There were around fifteen children in the class including two mentally unbalanced young men around three years of age. There was one fundamental educator, and right hand instructor and an aide for the two young men. I visited this class from three-thirty pm to around four-forty five pm. At the point when I showed up the youngsters were rolling in from playing on the play area. They came in washed their hands and prepared to sit and discuss the butterflies they were developing in class. Now, their butterflies were still in cacoons. In addition to the fact that they had butterflies in the study hall they had child chicks. The youngsters were polite and helped out the educators. Aside from one young man, he was one that is mentally unbalanced. At the point when the educator assembled the youngsters to discuss their butterflies, he needed to play with the infant chicks. He pivoted overlooked the class and gazed at the child chicks. Somewhat long after, he got one of the chicks and clutched it extremely close. His aide requested that he set the chick back, however he won't, she asked again and he can't, She at that point clarified that they are discussing the butterflies at the present time and after then were done then he can play with the child chicks. He dropped the chick and ran out the homeroom. The assistant educator pursued him and addressed him out in the lobby. He strolled back in tranquilly and sat with his other youngsters. At the point when I asked, I was told he was extremely insubordinate. Rapidly he engaged with the butterflies and disregarded needing to play with the infant chicks. In the interim the other young man with chemical imbalance in a similar class was increasingly pulled back from everybody. He was very and didn’t state or need to do a lot. He didn’t truly associate with different youngsters. At the point when I got some information about him, the instructors clarified that he doesn’t talk quite well, however he’s exceptionally savvy. It would take him some time to complete things yet he works superbly. During the day at childcare he had discourse classes to help his advancement in language. I making the most of my visit. It showed me not one but rather, around two kinds of chemical imbalance and helped me comprehend it somewhat better. I got the chance to observe a medically introverted youngster misbehave and perceive how an educator would deal with that kid. I likewise appreciate the youngsters in the class. I couldn’t accept how shrewd those little individuals are.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Alexander the Great in The Human History - Free Essay Example

Alexander the Great was one of the most powerful military leaders in human history. He never lost and won countless battles to unite much of the eastern world and build the biggest empire known to man. Much of what he did still influences us today. But in order to fully understand what he did and how he did it you have to start with the beginning. Alexander was born in 356 B.C. to King Philip II and Queen Olympias in Macedonia, but legend says that his father was really Zeus. Philip was an outstanding military leader and turned Macedonia into a great empire and a powerful force. He had dreams of conquering Persia and uniting the eastern world. Philip was a huge influence in Alexanders life and gave him most of his drive in conquering Persia and uniting the eastern world. Philip taught Alexander to be fearless and have great courage at a very young age. When Alexander was 12, he tamed a wild horse named Bucephalus. Many men were scared of the great stallion because of how mean and massive it was. This horse became his war horse for the rest of his life and he rode him into countless battles starting with a battle against the Sacred Band of Thebes. Everyone knew them as an unstoppable and unbeatable fighting force. Alexander was only 16 when he was left in charge of Macedonia while his father was off fighting the Byzantiums. Alexander saw this as a chance to prove his worth to his father and lead his cavalry against the Sacred Band of Thebes in 338 B.C., Alexanders cavalry destroyed them and was praised by Macedonia for it. In 336 B.C. Philip was assassinated, Alexander being only 20 claimed the throne and killed his rivals before they could take the throne. Once that was finished he followed in his fathers footsteps and began his long journey to world domination. He appointed Antipater as regent and set out for Persia. He crossed the Hellespont and met Persian and Greek forces at the Granicus river and defeated them with ease. He then headed south and took the cities of Sardes, Miletus, Mylasa, and Halicarnassus. In 333 B.C., Alexander was met by a massive Persian army in the town of Issus. Though outnumbered, Alexanders army had more experience than the Persian and decimated the Persian army. Darius III, king of Persia, fled the battle with a small portion of his troops leaving his family behind. After Alexander claimed Issus he moved toward the Island of Tyre. Tyre resisted for several days but had her walls breached in July 336 B.C. by Alexander. Moving south Alexander conquered Egypt and establishe d the city of Alexandria, it still stands today. After Egypt was conquered Alexander faced Darius at Gaugamela in October 331 B.C. for one final battle. After fierce fighting Darius began to flee but was killed by his own men. When Alexander saw his body he gave him a proper burial and proclaimed himself as the king of Persia, but someone named Bessus had also named himself king. Alexander chased him until Bessus own men handed him over to Alexander who executed him. After many years of fighting, Alexander was finally the true king of Persia. He marched on into India to unite the known world. After conquering tribes in India Alexanders men had decided that they were tired of fighting. There was mutiny among his men so Alexander agreed to go home. On the way back however Alexander was struck with an illness that ended up killing him on June 323 B.C. at age 35. After all his hard work he died before he could name a successor and the empire he fought so hard to create unraveled and was sent into political turmoil. Nonetheless Alexander was one of the greatest military leaders in all of human history. His cities are still important cultures to this day. He will always be known as the man who united an entire world.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Rite Aid Annual Report 2012 - 1670 Words

Rite Aid Annual Repot 2012 [pic] â€Å"To be successful chain of friendly, neighborhood drugstore. Our knowledgeable, caring associates work together to provide a superior pharmacy experience and offer everyday products and services that help our valued customers lead healthier, happier lives† Historical Background Rite Aid’s first store opened in September of 1962 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. When it first opened it was called Thrif D Discount Center. The company grew rapidly expanding to five northeastern states by 1965. By 1968, the name was officially changed to Rite Aid Corporation. It became public it’s first year after becoming Rite Aid and started trading on the†¦show more content†¦The reason is that the company’s expenses exceeded the revenue. Company’s assets have been increasing compared to last year total assets. There hasn’t been a dramtic change in liabilities because the company doesn’t have enough cash to pay its debt. [pic] Financial Analysis Ratios are highly important profit tools in financial analysis that help financial analysts implement plans that improve profitability, liquidity, financial structure, reordering, leverage, and interest coverage. Although ratios report mostly on past performances, they can be predictive too, and provide lead indications of potential problem areas. Financial ratios are important because they help investors make decisions to buy hold or sell securities. Liquidity ratios tell a user about firm’s ability to pay current bills. |Ratios |2012 |2011 | |Working capital |1,934,267 |1,991,042 | |Current Ratio |1.8 |1.8 | Working capital is positive, meaning that the company has enough cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and short time investments to cover the current liabilities. Current Ratio shows that the company has $1.80 of current assets for each $1.00 of current liabilities. Profitability Ratios how successful a company is in terms of generating returns orShow MoreRelatedStrategies Used by Rite Aid Pharmacy1852 Words   |  8 PagesMorris MGMT 441 * Rite Aid Pharmacy * Headquarters: Camp Hill, Pennsylvania * CEO: John T. Standley * Mission Statement: To be a successful chain of friendly, neighborhood drugstores. Our knowledgeable, caring associates work together to provide a superior pharmacy experience, and offer everyday products and services that help our valued customers lead healthier, happier lives. * NYSE, RAD, $1.90 (Taken March 28, 2013) Business Strategy Analysis Rite Aid Pharmacy is positioningRead MoreCvs Comparation5058 Words   |  21 Pages(408) 288-5533(F)-  © Transmercial. 2010 transmercial Commercial Real Estate Investment 3RD QUARTER 2010 Newsletter VOLUME 5 ISSUE 1 Walgreens, CVS or Rite-Aid: Which Tenant Is Best in 2011? By David V. Tran There are 3 major drugstore chains in the US: Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Oedipus - 1821 Words

Brock Bilger ENGL 102 Research Paper October 14, 2011 Outline: I. The introduction and brief statement about the drama II. Discuses the theme of the paper and how it relates to the drama III. The Tragic hero definition and how that applies to the play IV. The big revaltion in the play that Oedipus sees V. Talk about Apollos power and the meaning of that and conclude to paper with that. The first criterion of a Greek tragedy is that the protagonist be a good person; doubly blessed with a good heart and noble intention. Sophocles reveals immediately at the start of the play that Oedipus is such a man. As is common in the Greek tragedy Oedipus is also an aristocrat. Born of the King and Queen of Thebes he is of†¦show more content†¦Which is displayed in a blindness that is transmitted throughout. Oedipus refuses to believe Tiresias because he is a blind man and he tells him, †You’ve lost your power, stone-blind, stone-deaf--senses, eyes blind as stone!’-’this fortune-teller peddling lies, eyes peeled for his own profit-seer blind in his craft!†(1235). But Tiresias not only foretells Oedipus’ fate but also predicts his physical blindness when he tells him, †I pity you, flinging at me the very insults each man here will fling at you so soon’ ... ‘This day will bring your birth and your destruction†(1235-1236). Even though Oedipus is told time and again. His unremitting blindness keeps him from seeing the whole truth and allows him to live a contented life as king. The revelation in this play comes shortly after Oedipus’ wife tells him, The heralds no sooner reported Laius dead than you appeared and they hailed you king of Thebesâ€Å" (1244). His response to this news tells volumes, â€Å"I think I’ve just called down a dreadful curse upon myself--I simply didn’t know† (1244). He then refers to Tiresias’ vision dualistically, â€Å" I have a terrible fear the blind seer can see† (1244). After Jocasta’s late-breaking news, Oedipus recounts the essentials of when he killed a man at a triple crossroad because the story correlates to the murder of Laius. He then begins to feel Apollo’s hand in this. â€Å"Wasn’t I born for torment? Look me in the eyes’ ... ‘Wouldn’t a man of judgment say ... someShow MoreRelatedThe Oedipus Complex ( Oedipus )1666 Words   |  7 Pagesmother and her son. Sigmund Freud himself came up with the Oedipus complex, which is when a boy h as an attachment to the mother, which in turns results in aggressive and envious feelings toward the father and these feelings are largely repressed. The Oedipus complex comes from Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus but has largely been associated with Hamlet as well, since he and his mother Gertrude, have an extremely complicated relationship (Oedipus Complex). Hamlet is the predecessor of modern psychologicalRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Oedipus Oedipus Rex 928 Words   |  4 Pagesbetween Oedipus’ irrevocable circumstances as well as his flawed character that makes Sophocles’ â€Å"Oedipus Rex† a quintessential example of Greek drama. His circumstances, which are set by the Gods, are profound and beyond anyone’s control; either he must be killed or there will be great consequences. His parent’s rejection of the oracle set by the gods, the degrees of separation from his origin, and his flawed sense of pride is the complexity of the plot as well as what makes Oedipus the complexRead MoreOedipus The King Of Oedipus868 Words   |  4 Pageschallenge that waits upon one. Confidence overpowers cockiness. The cocky trait is heavily represented in the story â€Å"Oedipus the King† (c. 430 B.C.) by Sophocles. In the story, Oedipus the king of Thebes has the cocky trait and it results in torture for life. Oedipus’s arrogant personality shows throughout the story as he tries to find the killer of the former king of Thebes, his father. Oedipus tends to deem himself as a god throughout the story which plays a big role in interaction with people around himRead MoreOedipus The King Of Oedipus1019 Words   |  5 Pageswhat makes Oedipus actions in his quarrel with Teiresias and also throughout the play so dramatically compelling, is the fact that the audience knows the outcome of the story. We know Oedipus fate even before he does, and there is no suspen se about the outcome itself, instead, the audience anxiously awaits Oedipus to reveal his fate unto himself in his desperate quest to rid his city of the terrible plague, or maybe even more so, to simply discover his own unfortunate tale. Oedipus is relentlessRead MoreOedipus The King : Oedipus1328 Words   |  6 PagesOedipus the King Oedipus had a lot of different character traits both good and bad. He had a good conscience; he cared deeply for the people in his life and protected them. He was very empathetic, smart and a dependable man who lived his life with great integrity. He was an honest man with strong moral principles and lived a righteous life. He found it difficult to live anything less than a righteous life; when he realized what had become of his life, his guilty conscience consumed him. He was filledRead MoreOedipus By William Shakespeare s Oedipus1096 Words   |  5 PagesThebes is that they have a plague. Oedipus wants to discover the murderer of Laius in order to end the suffering of his people. 2. (Question 2) Oedipus is a man of action, but he is also a man of temper. Oedipus bullies Tiresias into answering him. It is at this point that Tiresias reveals that Oedipus has killed the previous king, Laius. A pattern emerges regarding Oedipus behavior. He has a temper, but is also used to having his way. At one point Oedipus becomes extremely angry and accusesRead More The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine893 Words   |  4 Pages The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine   Ã‚   The stories of Oedipus, as told through Senecas Oedipus and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine, contain both similarites and differences. Both authors portray the character of Oedipus as being obstinate, ignorant, and inquisitive. Yet Seneca and Cocteau differ on their interpretation of the motives that propelled these characteristics of Oedipus. Seneca portrays Oedipus as a mature man who, in seeing the troubles of the plague thatRead More tragoed Oedipus as the Ideal Tragic Hero of Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex)1217 Words   |  5 PagesOedipus as the Ideal Tragic Hero of Oedipus the King In the introduction to Sophocles Oedipus the King, Sophocles defines a tragic hero as one who [behaves] admirably as a man, [but who] is nevertheless tripped up by forces beyond his control and understanding... (Sophocles 76).   In Oedipus the King, Oedipus is the tragic hero. The force that trips up the hero is fate, or, moira. It is Oedipuss actions that set the events into motion,   but it is ultimately his fate, and his attemptedRead MoreThe Characterization Of Oedipus Oedipus Rex 1303 Words   |  6 PagesIn Sophocles tragic play, Oedipus Rex, there is often feedback when discussing the characterization of Oedipus. Key issues in this play are pointed towards in realm of a tragedy, because Oedipus suffers a few character flaws such as anger, pride and arrogance. Within those flaws, he fails to reflect upon his actions; causing blindness and later, result his honor to be under minded and seen at the forefront of Thebes. What makes this play more on the fringe than other tragic plays are Oedipus’sRead MoreOedipus Essay767 Words   |  4 PagesSophocles Oedipus the King is a tragic play which discusses the tragic discovery of Oedipus that he has killed his father and married his mother. The story of Oedipus was well known to the athenian s. Oedipus is the embodiement of the perfect Athenian. He is self-confident, intelligent, and strong willed. Ironically these are the very traits which bring about his tragic discovery. Oedipus gained the rule of Thebes by answering the riddle of Sphinx. Sophocles used the riddle of the sphinx

Maori Folk Art Ta Moko Essay Example For Students

Maori Folk Art: Ta Moko Essay I always had interest in fascinating culture of indigenous people of New Zealand, Maori. Maori are Polynesians and make up 15% of the population, filling the country with their own unique culture. The folk art of Maori is exciting and I am particularly impressed by the tradition of carving the meaningful tattoos on the various body parts. These tattoos are called â€Å"Ta Moko†. The origin of Ta Moko believed to derive from the legend of Mataora. Mataora was a young warrior of Maori who fell in love with princess of the underworld. Princess came above to marry Mataora but he treated her badly. She left back to underworld and Mataora, full of guilt, came to her relatives begging for forgiveness. Princesss father forgave him and taught him the art of Ta Moko (Zealand Tattoo, 2015). This might not be the actual origin of Ta Moko but it is part of oral folklore of Maori tribe. Every tattoo has a special message about the wearer, his family and the tribe he belongs to. In my opinion the most unusual about Ta Moko was that these tattoos were also carved onto face. For Maori tribe face was the most sacred part and therefore tattooing it was a significant event for a young Maori. Most of Maori get their first tattoo when they move to adulthood phase. Men had full face and particular body parts tattooed (e. g. back, buttocks, legs), while women tattooed only chin and the nostrils. The master who makes Ta Moko is called â€Å"Tohunga†, which can be translated to specialist of moko. These people got a lot of respect from the tribe and were seen as tapu, which means holy and untouchable. The ritual of tattooing was really sacred and therefore there were number of rules around it. The process supposed to be accompanied with spiritual music, dancing and singing. (Zealand Tattoo, 2015). The European population dramatically outnumbered Maori by the early 1900’s. By the 1950’s the art of Ta Moko had a drastic decline. In my opinion, the decline of this form of folk art happened due to Maori assimilation into European culture. However, in the late 1990’s Ta Moko gained back the popularity not only with Maori people but with non-Maori, foreigners too. Nowadays, the original Maori tattoos are changing and people adding their own messages that have meaning to them. I think that these tribal tattoos came back due to Maori people searching for their identity. The late 1990’s and early 2000’s had first debut of the films dedicated to Maori culture in the history: â€Å"Once Were Warriors† and â€Å"Whale Riders†. Both of the films show how assimilated Maori families live in the Europeanized New Zealand. They speak English language, listen to songs in English and do not know where they truly belong. In my opinion most of the Maori felt the same way: lost in their own identity. Which culture did they belong to? They already were part of modern New Zealand but at the same time they could not forget that they used to be warriors and indigenous people of this land. That was the time they got back to their roots and at the same time implementing their old traditions into the modern life. Ta Moko tattooing was back but in a milder way as I think it is hard to live nowadays with a face covered in tattoos. There are still Maori people left who live the way indigenous tribe used to live, following the traditions, but most of them are elderly people. The use of Ta Moko by non-Maori people is concerning as they make changes in design and methods. Therefore, Maori practitioners established organization called â€Å"Te Uhi a Mataora†. They are trying to stop the modernization of Ta Moko as it is a sacred cultural symbol. I find Ta Moko tattooing tradition as way of Maori tribes to express their cultural heritage. As I said before these tattoos show the most important things about wearer’s life. .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 , .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 .postImageUrl , .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 , .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926:hover , .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926:visited , .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926:active { border:0!important; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926:active , .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926 .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc35bc8af4a3bb167d08675bc29ca4926:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hypochondriasis EssayIf I compare Ta Moko to my culture (Kazakhstan), I would say that they could be similar to the ornaments in our traditional tent, called yurt. The ornaments inside the yurt showed the story of the owner’s family. I do not think that Ta Moko and yurts are completely similar but both of them are mean of self-identification. Generally, tattooing was and is common in small tribes and indigenous cultures. In ancient Egypt tattooing was used for medical and healing purposes. In India tattoos were used to divide Hindu people into casts. Also, I had encountered meeting an old Pilipino lady while I was staying in Manila. She told me that women in her tribe got tattoos to use them as clothes. That was surprising, as I never heard of this usage of tattoos. I think it is captivating to observe how at the first sight incomprehensible lines, circles and letters begin to get a meaningful form as you start exploring the culture of the tribe. Not only the shape but also the place where the tattoo was made, will give you more information about the message behind it. Maori also had other traditions that created folk art such as: wood carving, kapa haka (dance performance) etc. Nowadays, we have a problem of a slow disappearance of small nations/tribes/cultures’ traditional folk art. I think we need to have respect for them by understanding that these are part of their personal identities and we should not try to modify it or make use of it. The younger generation who inherit the traditions of the indigenous culture need to be taught and recognize their roots to shelter the feeling of belonging and pride into themselves.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Using Stories for Creative Writing

Using Stories for Creative WritingThere are many uses for samples of figurative essay, such as in basic composition courses. However, if you are taking a creative writing course, the samples may be more useful and relevant. But regardless of which level of your creative writing course you're taking, these lists will help you find sample stories that you can use and with which you can begin a dialogue.Stories include all genres, from romantic tales to suspense tales. For example, a detective story might be one that features your typical television detective. Another example would be if the story involved the detective solving a murder mystery. For this kind of story, the investigator might be trying to solve the crime, or the author or detective may be trying to uncover the truth about the crime itself.Many writers like to collect stories from basic literary reference texts. Such reference materials may be the books they are reading in college. They may find a story from a novel or a short story in an essay on Shakespeare or Austen. Some of the most popular and creative writers use these stories to inspire their writing.The movies will also provide some writers with ideas for their essays. Dramatic and comedy movies can bring new insights into writing when used with creative writing assignments. Also, stories from films may teach us about the way we can express emotion. Sometimes, the stories we read from films actually end up inspiring our writing.Another great way to learn from the classics is to simply read the classic romances. You can read them in school as a teen or as an adult. And you can borrow a romance novel or two from the library.Lastly, one can find samples of stories in personal experience. Whether one has experienced the same emotions of love or the joy of finding a loved one, the stories from that person will be enlightening. Even great artists have stories of how they began a piece of art. A famous artist may have learned his style in childhood , from his mother or father.One's favorite authors will usually provide a specific story in their books. It can be hard to get a hold of that one special story, but you can find it. You can also research what an author has to say about various stories. And you can look for stories in books to use as examples.Stories have a wide variety of uses. This list provides a place to look for inspiration for your creative writing assignments.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Research Essay Topics

Research Essay TopicsInformative research papers, in addition to oral and written essays, are also divided into several exploration research topics. Exploration topics may either be applied or general. The field of applied exploratory topics may be particularly helpful to students who would like to learn a new field, explore new areas in their country, and get experience by carrying out research as well as non-research tasks in a new field. One should consider the overall purpose of the research; be clear about the kind of field-to-be-studied, and write as if this is a formal course in a department, institute, or college.Application exploration research offers an opportunity to learn about a domain and gain experience. It provides an introduction to a particular area of knowledge. For example, it may involve a person learning about a new party game or practicing an in-depth analysis of a certain part of any animal's life cycle. It may teach an individual how to measure and describe s omething. These may include subjects that are related to personal, educational, or professional fields.Specialized exploration may offer unique learning experiences for students. Exploratory subjects may involve the search for a lost language, its translation, a new language, or an ancient language. They may also study possible threats to plants and animals as well as the potentials of new materials.Research is also divided into several exploration research questions. In other words, a specific question might be posed in order to discover relevant research on a certain topic. Exploration research questions might relate to understanding peoples' beliefs and/or feelings about organizations and/or political parties. As an illustration, research might ask questions about the cost-effectiveness of various policies and their impacts on businesses.Specific types of exploration may also be divided into topics. One may look at international relations as a broad topic of inquiry, or at the us e of machines for production and utility in manufacturing as a specific type of subject. The division between the different kinds of research topics is not rigid. Rather, these divisions are used to accommodate different fields of study.Some researchers may choose to organize their research topics in order to discover diverse results from different types of studies. For example, some may need to examine medical conditions as a research topic in order to investigate causes of particular diseases. Others may examine different methods of creating biofuels and transportation technologies. Still others may study ways to improve the efficiency of distribution systems in order to improve transportation services to people in urban centers.In short, exploration research topics provide opportunities for exploring new fields, methods, and study areas. Rather than focusing exclusively on applying, these topics also emphasize the application of findings to the study of topics and approaches that are being investigated.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Finding the Best Last Exam Essay Topics

Finding the Best Last Exam Essay Topics The Upside to Last Exam Essay Topics You won't ever feel more prepared for the essay part of the exam. There are several GED essay topics provided to the students in GED essay writing exams which make it troublesome to take care of. If you generally go blank during exams, consider studying in the exact same classroom where the test is going to be given. Entrance Exam virtually all nursing schools need an entrance exam for most incoming students. There are several different varieties of expository essays. The absolute most important quality of an effective expository essay is staying centered on the topic without wandering from the topic. Usually, essay topics are chosen depending on the sort of essay you would like to write. Just take the opportunity to brainstorm possible essay topics, and make sure you're ready to answer all them. If you're searching for UK-educated and professional writers. It's far better to write and share your very own personal stories with diverse women and men. Reading Since you're attempting to produce much much better essays, proceed for essays by women and men that are already superior than you. Writing an essay about oneself is apparently easy, but a good deal of individuals don't understand what things to start with when taking a pen. The Death of Last Exam Essay Topics Cause and effect essays are written to supply an explanation of the way in which an action causes a result. The conclusion can be composed of a few sentences. In the speaking section, you have to be confident of what you speak. In the majority of cases, you will place your thesis at the conclusion of the very first paragraph and restate it at the start of the concluding paragraph. What Last Exam Essay Topics Is - and What it Is Not When you plan your essay and jot down the points you're likely to go over i n your draft, you are going to have lot of points to discuss. Determine how many minutes it's possible to devote to every answer. In an exploratory paper, you're requested to check past the obvious answers to be in a position to come across different points of view which can sometimes help in solving the matter. The obvious answer isn't necessarily the perfect one (Gareth Hodgson) You must be in a position to observe the larger picture and the detail. Research paper topics should occur after the assignment. In English Language, compositions or essays actually are one of the most significant facets of the subject. Essay writing help may conveniently be gotten by simple on-line purchasing. An amazing descriptive essay is going to be loaded with details. The Debate Over Last Exam Essay Topics Furthermore, some topics may be too broad for all the pertinent questions to be answered. Each one of the topics has a couple of relevant questions. You might not comprehensively manag e a business research topic that's too wide. There are a lot of argumentative essay topics. Last Exam Essay Topics Fundamentals Explained Accredited nursing schools can only signify they have met the standards needed by the different accreditation bodies. So many folks think IELTS Exam is valid only in the united kingdom or Australia and, by way of example, it's not valid in the united states, New Zealand, etc.. Schedule of Classes The class schedule is likewise an important component to take into account in choosing nursing schools particularly if you have work or you simply have a busy schedule. Taking the practice exams can help you find the regions where you wish to brush up, and will also allow you to feel more comfortable and confident when it is the right time to take the genuine test. The exact first draft may not be perfect, but having an imperfect first draft is a great deal better than having a perfect nothing. It's possible to find with a topic which examines t he usage of ethics in our society because it's today. The way is now obvious that you join the best university any place in the nation. The student needs to be in a position to recognize the matter and the best way to resolve such problems systematically. Ok, I Think I Understand Last Exam Essay Topics, Now Tell Me About Last Exam Essay Topics! Essay exams are a practical tool for finding out if you may sort through a huge body of information, figure out what's critical, and explain why it's critical. In different instances, there are plenty of essays, and the test may also consist of multiple option, short answer, and other kinds of questions. If your topic is too narrow, you won't be able to satisfy the requirements. You will need a topic that is rather acceptable for an academic setting. Last Exam Essay Topics While writing the essay you should be certain that your essay is totally free from any sort of errors like grammatical or spelling in order to save your time in t he revision procedure. An essay is chiefly referred to as a brief writing that should have the perfect level of quality to satisfy your readers. It defines a specific point of view. In the event it is for general interest, it is going to have different topic and language when compared with an academic essay. Life, Death and Last Exam Essay Topics The last thing you ought to do in order to compose a fantastic research paper is properly format the document. So, you may rest assured your term paper service is going to be delivered by means of a pro. The research necessary for the subject of censorship in libraries will be different, based on the sort of research paper. The student could be permitted to bring in supporting materials like an annotated text and limited notes.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Essay Sample Tips - How to Get Creative Using Essay Samples

Essay Sample Tips - How to Get Creative Using Essay SamplesHere are some of the best essay samples that are used to help you with your essay writing. With this, you can be able to get a good idea of the type of samples that can help you with your essay writing.These sample essays can help you understand what to write and how to write an essay using the samples. This can help you with being able to write an essay effectively.You could use these and start writing your essay. Just remember to keep it simple as to not make it too complicated. It is important that you do not make it too difficult for yourself. That would not only make you boring, but it could also end up making you look like an idiot.The material could have been taken from the colleges or other universities or schools. Make sure that you include the keywords that you are trying to find. You would want to include your major and the courses that you have taken so that you are able to be able to come up with something origin al when you go over the paper.There are many different categories that you could include when you are trying to come up with specific examples that you can use. For example, if you are trying to use pictures, then you can include pictures. If you are trying to include a specific sentence, then that is what you could do.Once you have done this, you should be able to go over the essay once more. Just make sure that you are able to come up with something new when you go over the piece. This will make you sure that you have come up with something that is original and different.When you are looking for sample essays to use for your essay writing, make sure that you are able to find ones that are easy to read and include the keywords that you are trying to find. Once you are able to do this, you will be able to come up with something better than the one that you started with.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Confidential Secrets for Topics for Rhetorical Analysis Essay

The Confidential Secrets for Topics for Rhetorical Analysis Essay If you prefer help to find these decent grades then we can provide you our custom written essay support, whereby it is possible to make the most of experienced professional experts who can construct a high excellent essay for you. If you don't understand where to acquire a terrific rhetorical analysis essay example, you'll find support on this site. If you are a newcomer to writing informative essays or simply struggle when it has to do with thinking of informative essay topics, then there's a great chance you might be searching for some help. When you compose the rhetorical analysis essay, keep in mind that its primary goal is to explain the effect of every system that was used by the author. If you're able to analyze any book for your rhetorical assignment, choose the work you understand well. The reader should be prepared to keep on reading as a way to discover distinctive procedures and statements to clarify in your rhetorical analysis essay. You cannot merely select any post or item of work to analyze, however. It is likewise very beneficial to select a notable bit of writing which doesn't need to be introduced to the audience. You've got to reveal the end result of the author's speech and its impact. If you select a speech or a sermon given by a prominent leader (there are lots of such speeches, and they're simple to be found) you can save yourself a whole lot of time and make sure your analysis will result in the desired effect. If you truly like politics, perhaps you want to write about a renowned presidential speech. These rhetorical techniques are supposed to persuade the target audience that the continuing smear campaigning in the USA of America is not worse as it's perceived when compared to other elections that were done before in the nation. An excellent writer will have the ability to earn any topic interesting, and one which knows and understands how to construct the essay as effectively as possible will have the ability to find great grades, regardless of what the topic is. If you like Shakespeare, perhaps you want to write about a renowned monologue. Help readers not familiar with the poem and its context gain a deep comprehension of how the poet employs language. In your essay, analyze the language of the section you've chosen and think about the way the author's specific word choice creates a difference in just what the excerpt communicates with respect to the theme. Understanding what you should be writing can help you succeed. The Unseen major character appears to be tormented. The authority or trustworthiness of the author. Then, quickly summarize what you've already described within the body, and restate your thesis. If you're religious, a sermon may be the most fascinating topic for you. You could possibly be given the topic straight away by your professor, or maybe you be free to decide on the topic yourself. When prior brainstorming is finished, you might begin drafting your essay. The conclusion is comparable to the introduction, but not quite the exact same. It should be strong and clear. Devote each paragraph to a certain strategy. All About Topics for Rhetorical Analysis Essay As an issue of fact, a rhetorical essay is really straightforward. To do it correctly, you want to understand what an argument is composed of and what steps ought to be taken to analyze the essential argument. Identify a particular example that you will utilize to support your argument. 1 useful approach to check at written arguments is to think about the context where the text was written. It is vital to keep in mind an argument doesn't have to be logical to be using logos. Producing a high quality college essay is a complicated job. This article provides a number of intriguing suggestions. Do not choose short articles, as you may not have sufficient info to analyze. Just be sure you build your arguments in the current tense, and you will prevent any confusions. The topics for these types of papers need to be very specific. Attempt to steer clear of all types of abbreviations. Brainstorm about issues within the subject.